Tuesday 6 December 2016

Vaser Liposuction | Vaser Lipo Clinic London Kent Essex

All you need to know about Vaser Liposuction at the Belvedere Clinic London, Kent & Essex

vaser-liposuction London Kent Essex
Every body type has specific areas that are more predisposed to fat collection, sometimes even the most determined efforts to dispose of this stored fat is met with discouraging results. Advanced Vaser techniques combined with superior Liposuction technology now allows for safer alternative cosmetic procedures to address unwanted fat revealing a new shape and faster recovery times.

Overview of Vaser Liposuction

before-after-vaser-lipoVaser Lipo is an advanced method of body contouring designed to selectively remove unwanted portions of body fat. This is a more advanced method than the intrusive and abrasive methods of traditional liposuction. Vaser employs cutting edge ultrasound technology which gently reshapes and the body.
The biggest difference between Vaser and traditional lipo is the capacity to target fat while leaving other fragile tissues unharmed. Nerves, blood vessels and connective tissue were often damaged by traditional lipo procedures. Modern innovative Vaser technology breaks up fatty build up while leaving other tissues intact. This results in a smoother operation and reduced recovery period.

How Vaser Works

The first task is to treat the area that will be shrunk with a saline solution that will numb the area while shrinking the blood vessels to avoid blood loss and reduce the possibility of damage. The solution acts to keep the area of operations wet and filled with liquid, this makes it easier for the Vaser lipo system’s ultrasonic energy to break up and dispose of the fatty tissue in the area.
The next task is to break up the fatty tissue with a small probe that emits the correct sonic frequency to reduce the fat to a liquid. This liquid can then be gently removed with a delicate suction tool perfectly designed for minimizing trauma to any surrounding blood vessels, nerves or connecting tissues.

Vaser Liposuction FAQs

What body areas can be treated with VASER Lipo?
Cosmetic physicians have had great success in applying Vaser Lipo to various different parts of the body, including the chin, neck, face, breasts (male and female), buttocks, love handles, calves, thighs, knees and ankles. The precision nature of Vaser lipo allows application in areas traditional lipo could never reach.
How much fat can be taken? Can you treat multiple areas at once?
One great thing about Vaser is the capacity it has to address more than one body part at a time. Only a doctor would be able to tell you how much body fat can be removed from a patient in one operation. Remember that this is not meant as a weight loss alternative. The idea behind the procedure is to create a more appealing silhouette. There may not actually be that much weight lost, but the slimmer profile is the promised reward.
How soon will I see my results? What is the recovery time?
That depends on the extensiveness of the operation, how much fat is being removed as well as how many areas were addressed by a single procedure. Many patients have reported dynamic results within days of the procedure and many others had to wait 3 months and more. It will be important to consult a doctor before any realistic projections can be made.

Book Now

To book your FREE Consultaion now or for any other queries book online or call 02083114464 where a member of our dedicated staff will be happy to help.

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