Tuesday 7 February 2017

3 celebs who have had laser tattoo removal and why

3 celebs who have had laser tattoo removal and why

Tattoo removal technology has come on leaps and bounds in the last decade and its popularity showed the biggest growth of any non-surgical procedure in the UK last year.

One thing people often don’t consider when getting inked is the fact that tattoo trends change; just like fashion or makeup, types of tattoo have their moment – imagine never being able to take off those ’80s legwarmers! The good news is that it’s easier and safer than ever to erase previously-permanent tattoo mistakes.

Despite fame and money, celebs are not immune to lapses of judgement when it comes to tattoos. Here are three stars who’ve regretted and removed their ink…

3 celebs who have had laser tattoo removal and why

1. Angelina Jolie’s tattoo removal

The heavily-inked actress made headlines during her stormy marriage to Billy Bob Thornton and when the relationship broke down, she was left with a permanent reminder of their past love. That’s right, even superstar Angelina made the old ‘ex’s name on your arm’ mistake. She quickly had the tattoo removed and the procedure went so well she was able to reuse the spot on her arm to commemorate the coordinates of her children’s birthplaces.

2. Kelly Osbourne tattoo removal

Another celeb who’s no stranger to the needle, Kelly has been getting inked since she was a teen. Unfortunately, that means she ended up with a few dated-looking bad decisions on her skin. Fast forward a decade and Kelly is a sophisticated fashionista with a whole new look, which meant losing the clunky, emo-looking tats that characterised her rebellious phase.

3. Megan Fox tattoo removal

The stunning actress has recently spoken out about the danger of choosing a tat at a young age and falling out of love with it as you mature. Actually, make that tats, plural – there are a few Megan is planning to lose over time. The first to go was a portrait of Marilyn Monroe on her forearm. Apparently the actress wasn’t iconic enough to stay on Megan’s skin forever!
If, like these beautiful stars, you have tattoo mistakes of your own, The Belvedere Clinic is here to help. Discuss your fresh start with us today.

Angelina Jolie by Foreign and Commonwealth Office licensed under Creative commons 4

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