Thursday 31 May 2018

Is there a correlation between celebrities and young people undergoing plastic surgery?

Is there a correlation between celebrities and young people undergoing plastic surgery?YOU SHOULD ONLY UNDERGO PLASTIC SURGERY WHEN YOU ARE CONFIDENT THAT IT IS THE CHOICE FOR YOU.

Whether it be a breast augmentation due to an irregularity in your breasts or even a tummy tuck after weight loss; whatever it may be it is a decision that you take after careful thought and consideration.


However, with the increase of young people on social media, they are more and more at risk of being influenced by their celebrity idols. With cosmetic surgery being so available to the stars it makes it seem as if it is a very common practice, even for the younger celebrities who are finding stardom. It is this attitude that makes younger people believe that it a small decision to make.
The added pressure of having to look a certain way in society will be what drives the naive and impressionable to undergo cosmetic surgery. Celebrities such as Bella and Gigi Hadid are beautiful and others desire to look like them. However, Bella’s decision caused a great amount of controversy due to the fact that she changed her image so dramatically that her friends and relatives were noted to have said that they did not recognise her. This is not a positive representation for young women when it comes to their understanding of plastic surgery.


Even though cosmetic surgery can be used to change a feature of your body that has plagued you; or to fix an irregularity that has come about as a result of weight loss or a change in your body, it should only be undertaken after an individual has stopped developing. Interfering with the body’s natural development could either make the surgery null and void or even cause problems later in life. Members of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (BAAPS) have commentated that yes, some young women may have a need for surgery at an early age for correctional reasons, but those who undergo it purely as a result of celebrity influence could regret it as they are at a psychologically vulnerable age.
Cosmetic surgery can do wonders to correct your image and increase your self-esteem; or even give you the much-needed confidence that you have been missing. Whatever the reason for Plastic surgery, the decision needs to be made after great consideration and at a point when the body has finished developing. Contact Belvedere today for the right support and advice for your next cosmetic procedure.

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