Want to know the Price of having facelift Surgery in the UK ?
The Belvedere Clinic has been established since 1985 and offers a 1st class enviroment for cosmetic surgery procedures. All surgeons are highly trained as can be seen on our surgeons page.
If you are considering on having facial surgery and would like to know the cost involved, you first have to know the various procedures on offer at the Belvedere Clinic, as prices can vary depending on the procedure that suits you and your budget.
Cost of Facelift Surgery & Necklift Prices at the Belvedere Hospital
Face Lift from £5500.00 Face And Neck Lift
The skin of the neck is pulled upwards and back. At the same time, The cheeks can also be filled out to give a more youthful look.
Neck Lift from £4500.00
The skin of the neck is pulled upwards and back. At the same time, fatty deposits under the chin and along the jaw line can be removed and the muscles tightened.
Upper Eyes from £2500.00 Eyelid Surgery
The upper blepharoplasty procedure at The Belvedere Clinic removes the excess skin from the eyelid and sometimes a small amount of excess fat, which gives you fresher and younger looking eyes.
Lower Eyes from £2500.00 Eye Bag Removal
The lower blepharoplasty at The Belvedere Clinic involves a small incision just below the eyelash line. Excess skin and fat is removed and the skin is straightened out to remove the wrinkles and drooping bag look.
If you feel you need more than one Facial Surgery carried out the belvedere can offer great discounts!!
Upper and Lower Eyes from £3500.00
Face Lift with upper and lower Eyes from £7250.00
To book and find out the cost of your Facelift Surgery procedure now or for any other queries call 0800 917 2959 where a member of our dedicated staff will be happy to help or simply fill out our enquiry form with your details and a member of our team will contact you.